Angular js vs Angular

Angular js vs Angular

AngularJS and Angular are both web development frameworks, but they differ significantly in terms of architecture, features, and design principles. Here's a brief comparison between AngularJS (often referred to as Angular 1.x) and Angular (commonly known as Angular 2 and later versions):


AngularJS: It follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. However, the architecture of AngularJS is often considered more like MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) due to its two-way data binding. Angular: It is based on a component-based architecture. It uses a hierarchy of components with a clear separation of concerns. The architecture is more modular and follows a unidirectional data flow.

Two-way Data Binding:

AngularJS: It features two-way data binding, which means changes in the model automatically reflect in the view and vice versa. Angular: While Angular supports two-way data binding, it emphasizes a more controlled approach, providing ways to handle data binding more explicitly.

Language: AngularJS: It is written in JavaScript. Angular: It is written in TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other features. Performance: AngularJS: The performance of AngularJS can be a concern for large and complex applications, as it was designed in an era when browser capabilities and performance expectations were different. Angular: It is designed with performance in mind and provides various optimizations, like ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation, to enhance the application's speed and efficiency. Mobile Development: AngularJS: It was not initially designed for mobile development. Angular: It is designed to support mobile development through frameworks like Ionic, which builds on top of Angular to create cross-platform mobile applications. Tooling:

AngularJS: The tooling support for AngularJS is not as extensive as that for Angular. Angular: It has robust tooling, including the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface), which provides commands for creating, building, testing, and deploying Angular applications.

Community and Support: AngularJS: While it has a large existing codebase and community, official support from Google is limited as the focus has shifted to Angular. Angular: It has strong community support and is actively maintained by Google. Regular updates and improvements are released, ensuring ongoing support.

AngularJS: It is generally considered to have a lower learning curve, especially for developers familiar with JavaScript and jQuery. Angular: It has a steeper learning curve, particularly for developers new to TypeScript and component-based architectures. In summary, AngularJS and Angular serve similar purposes but have evolved in different directions. Angular is considered more modern, with improved performance, better tooling, and a component-based architecture. For new projects, it's recommended to use Angular, while existing AngularJS projects may need migration efforts to benefit from the advancements in Angular.
